

Have the nose of your dreams!

Rhinoplasty refers to reshaping of the nose. This area of cosmetic surgery has been one of the most analyzed over the years. While many plastic surgeons think of themselves as artists, the ancient Greeks taught us that the nose has to match the face. Its not about the "perfect nose." We don't want it to look fake! The goal of most Rhinoplasties is to achieve the right proportions, creating a nose that is both attractive and fits the patient’s face.

Rhinoplasty can correct changes from trauma or undesirable genetic features. A skilled surgeon can improve your profile, resize nostrils, improve symmetry, and change nasal size in relation to the patient’s face. The procedure may change the size or shape of the nose's tip, the bridge or nostrils, the projection from the face and the angle of the tip.


Types of Rhinoplasty

Reduction Rhinoplasty

Today, a well-balanced nose is key because we would like your nose to “fit”to your face. If it is too large, these features can be changed:

  • Nasal Length
  • Nasal Width
  • Tip Projection
  • Tip Width
  • Nasal Bridge Projection
  • Alar (Nostril) Width

Refinement Rhinoplasty

The procedure “refines” the appearance of your nose. Many features of your nose impact its appearance. These features include:

  • Tip Definition
  • Contour Irregularities
  • Asymmetry
  • Brow-Tip Nasal Aesthetic Line
  • Nostril Width and Shape

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

After nasal trauma, Reconstructive Rhinoplasty is performed to restore the functional and aesthetic features of the nose. There are many things that can be done in this procedure and there is often more than one "right" way to approach the problems. In this situation, an experienced surgeon will recommend the techniques that work best in their hands. It is usually not a good idea to choose your surgeon based on whether they perform a particular procedure. Instead, look at the results in their before and after pictures and try to compare them to your situation.


How Rhinoplasty Is Done - How We Reshape a Nose

There are many different ways to perform a rhinoplasty. In some, no external incision is needed. In others, small incisions at the base of the nose are needed, either for exposure to correct a severely distorted nasal tip, or to reduce the width of the nostrils. These options should be discussed with Dr. Studin and individualized to fit your problems and goals. In some cases, a large nose is accompanied by a weak chin. If a surgeon were to reduce the nose to match a recessive lower face, the nose would look too small and "operated on". In these patients, a small chin advancement and a modest Rhinoplasty puts the face in balance and avoids an artificial look.

Rhinoplasty Before & After

Analysis of Rhinoplasty - How Should the New Nose Look?

This type of analysis is best done with a sophisticated computer imaging system.

Playing "what if" with computerized virtual surgery will help assure that what your surgeon thinks will look good is the same as what you think will look good before surgery!

Nothing is worse than a surgeon going to the operating room with an idea in his or her mind that is different from what the patient visualized and looks forward to. A sophisticated imaging system can help assure that what the surgeon is trying to accomplish will actually make the patient happy!

Another issue here, is that with this operation, "what you think you want may not really be what you want!" As can be seen in many photos, narrowing a wide nose can make eyes that look very small, look large and much more attractive. Cheekbone definition can appear to improve and the lips often look better as well. These changes can be talked about, but visualizing the new facial relationships on the computer can be truly amazing.

Rhinoplasty - The Surgery - Recovery After Reshaping the Nose

Rhinoplasty can take from 30 minutes to three hours and is done on an outpatient basis. In most cases no internal packing is needed. A small splint is usually worn for about one week. Black and Blue around the eyes can occur, but is actually unusual with modern techniques. Pain is minimal. If the patient is not self-conscious about the splint they can go back to a desk job in only a few days. I usually recommend a week to 10 days for return to the gym.

Your Rhinoplasty Free Consultation

Meet with Dr. Studin and he will explain the possibilities and what you can expect. After examining your nose, he will spend time with you and show you before and after pictures that are as close to your situation as possible. Whether you have your surgery or not, you will have the comfort of knowing about what may be accomplished.

Call for your consultation today!

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15 Barstow Rd, Great Neck, NY 11021, USA

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